EVOLUTIO: A Research Center for Evolution and Development

Science seems to have been absorbed and dominated by capitalist technological and ideological power, and turned into a commodity to be marketed.

The academic-scientific system, being subordinated and dominated by these interests, does not seem to constitute a propitious environment for the development of creative and alternative thinking. Ideas or research lines that deviate from the discourse of official scientific power are generally resisted, or even rejected.

As a consequence, the scientific discourse has become largely monopolistic and uniform, and the scientific agenda has been largely constrained and impoverished by its mercantile and commercial commitments.

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society”

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society”


Given this scenario, the possible way out to counteract this uniformity is to open new research spaces, where new ideas, thoughts and theories can flourish without the limitations imposed by the scientific-techno-capitalist conglomerate.

These spaces must be constituted with economic independence in order to fulfill their objectives, appealing to the support and contribution of people and organizations identified with the cause.

“Man’s main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality”

“Man’s main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality”


For these reasons, we bring to life EVOLUTIO: A Research Center for Evolution and Development.

The objective of the center is to investigate new conceptions and cosmovisions on biological evolution and development, but also to study the necessary conditions for the evolution and development of a healthy, good-living society, harmoniously integrated with nature, and in which life and not economy are at the center of its existence and reason for being.

As a consequence, we do not conceive our work as a search for academic prestige and status. All our work and our projects have as their objective the search for and achievement of a fairer society, and of modes of existence compatible with life, healthier for man and nature as a whole, and as such, we conceive our work as a mission and service to the community.

We believe that there is not a single way of doing science, but that there may be multiple ways depending on their values and ontological assumptions. For this reason, our motto is “Another science for another society”.

Agustín Ostachuk

Researcher, Scientist, Theorist, Thinker

Dr. Agustín Ostachuk is a Transdisciplinary Scientific Researcher born in Argentina. He is devoted to the Big Questions of Life and the Nature of Reality/Existence. His main research area is Life Evolution and Development, from both a theoretical-philosophical (Theoretical Biology, Philosophy of Biology) and an empirical-biological (Evolutionary Biology, Evo-Devo) approach. In the first case, he works on theoretical and conceptual issues surrounding the theory of evolution. In the second case, he develops scientific research in the framework of Evolution and Development (Evo-Devo), using invertebrates (mollusks and arthropods) as working models. Agustín Ostachuk is the author of “A Theory of Evolution as a Process of Unfolding” (2020), a theory that challenges prevalent assumptions about Evolution, transcends the false and stagnant dichotomy between Intelligent Design (ID) and Darwinism, and proposes an evolutionary process carried out by teleological-purposeful formal agents. He is the Founding Director of EVOLUTIO: A Research Center for Evolution and Development, a new research space for the development of new ideas without the constraints and limitations established by the scientific-academic system.

EVOLUTIO: A Research Center for Evolution and Development was founded on July 9, 2022, Argentine Independence Day. It arose from the need to have a place for the free creation of one’s own ideas, without having to respond to the demands and even coercion of the members and institutions of the academic-scientific system, or being constantly forced to adapt and accommodate to them. We believe that this methodology is unhealthy and unethical, since it can lead to outright authoritarianism and diverse forms of favoritism (nepotism, cronyism, clientelism), and is often accompanied by abuse of power and psychological manipulation. The problem with this method is that it not only leads to the alienation of man, but also prevents the creation of creative and original ideas.

EVOLUTIO: A Research Center for Evolution and Development is located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We consider ourselves part of a socio-cultural region called Latin America, a region with great potential but historically conditioned geopolitically.


We will create mechanisms to communicate and interact with our supporters. We believe that input from our community is essential in making decisions about our research agenda. Likewise, these communication channels will serve to answer the questions that our supporters may have about our research.

We will consider our supporters as our true and authentic sponsors of our research work. In this manner, they will receive credit for their support in all our publications and scientific production.

If you have questions about our PROJECTS or how to ENGAGE, COLLABORATE or SUPPORT us, you can contact us with the following form: